วันพุธที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Pork Rib Stewed with Shitakae Mushroom


Yummy stewed that can be served with rice or noodles

500 g. pork spare ribs cut into 2" lenghts
5 dried shitakae mushrooms
1 Tbsp thin soy sauce
2 Tbsp seasoning soy sauce
2 Tbsp oyster sauce
1 Tbsp sugar
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp whole peppercorn
1/2 tsp coriander seed
3 cups water

1. Soak dried shitakae mushrooms with 2 cups water until soft. When mushrooms are soft, press out all water (keep mushroom water for making soup), cut stems, and slice into 1" length.

2. Pour water into a pot, bring to boil on high heat, wash spare ribs, and add into boiled water. Reduce heat to medium.

3. Peel garlic, wash dirt, pat dry, and cut into small pieces. Well pound garlic with whole peppercorn and corainder seed in a mortar, then add it into the pot. Season with thin soy sauce, seasoning soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour.

4. After 1 hour, spoon only ribs into another pot or put them into a slow cooker. Add sliced shitakae mushrooms and sift the remaining soup into this pot.

5. Add mushroom water until the soup cover up all the ribs and mushrooms. Add sugar and simmer on low heat for 4-5 hours or until the ribs are tender.

6. Place the pork ribs and shitakae mushrooms stewed on a plate, sprinkle with ground pepper and sliced cilantro leaves, serve immediately.

6. Place the pork ribs and shitakae mushrooms stewed on a plate, sprinkle with ground pepper and sliced cilantro leaves, serve immediately.

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